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State.io Strategy Guide – Win Every State With These 5 Best Hints, Tips and Cheats

https://ift.tt/32S6988 State.io is a mini RTS that sees you trying to take over the continental United States. You’re moving your forces aro...


State.io is a mini RTS that sees you trying to take over the continental United States. You’re moving your forces around trying to gain control of all of the states on the map, battling against other armies to try and come out on top. It’s fast and fun, but it can be pretty tricky too.

And that’s why we’ve written this strategy guide. It’s packed full of the biggest and best hints, tips and tricks that we’ve found during our time playing State.io. With these you’re going to be conquering every state in no time flat.

New players should definitely be poring over these suggestions, and veterans of the fight are likely to find something that’s going to help them out as well. That’s a promise. Here are the five best hints, tips and cheats for State.io. 

Upgrade your units and production speed first

There are three stats you can upgrade, and you should focus on powering up your units and production speed first. This is going to give you the edge in fights, and that’s the most important thing. Save your gold for these two and you’ll be in the best position to win every scrap.

Take your chances

When an enemy leaves one of their states vulnerable, you should swoop in and attack. You’ll gain a state for cheap, adding a load of defenders and often they’ll have over-reached, leaving them scrabbling for an advantage that they’re unlikely to gain.

Push the advantage

When you’re in control of the map, don’t let up. Push your opponent from every angle and leave them flailing. There’s a tipping point when you’ve got overwhelming units on the board, and from there you’re guaranteed to win, so always play strongly when you’re head.

Watch your opponents

If your opponents are scrapping out over a state, let it play out and then attack when it’s only got a couple of units. Alternatively, if they’ve committed forces, nip in behind them and take over the two emptied states before they’ve got a chance to react. Always exploit the weaknesses of the other colors.

Counter fighters before they reach states

Fighters will clash if they meet in the middle of the map, knocking each other out. If one of your states is in danger from a more powerful force, send units to destroy them before they reach it. You can send fighters from another state to bulwark the defences of a state that’s in danger as well.

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from Gamezebo https://ift.tt/32Q8eSm

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