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Scream Hero Go Strategy Guide – Top 5 Best Hints, Tips and Tricks

https://ift.tt/2QX40W4 Scream Go Hero is a platformer with a massive twist. And that twist is that you’re playing it with your voice. Whispe...


Scream Go Hero is a platformer with a massive twist. And that twist is that you’re playing it with your voice. Whisper and our hero will move slowly, shout and he’ll leap into the air, scream and he’ll jump as far as he can. It’s a bizarre but beautiful idea, and it works really well.

However, the game is pretty darn tough, as you might imagine. Which is why we’ve written this here guide. It’s packed full of the best hints, tips and tricks that we’ve found during our time playing Scream Go Hero. 

There’s going to be something here to help you out whether you’re a new player or you’ve been shouting at your phone for a good long while. So let’s get on with it – here are the five best hints, tips and cheats for Scream Go Hero.

Let the game access your microphone

This might seem like a no-brainer, but if you’re anything like us you spend quite a lot of time telling games they can’t access anything on your phone. When you’re asked, say yes, otherwise you’re not going to be able to play the game at all. You can’t fix that from within the game, either, you’ll have to alter the permissions in the settings menu on your phone.

Try whistling

Whistling and blowing are great ways to control the level of noise that you’re making. Words have natural ups and downs in them, whereas you can keep a whistle level for as long as you can breathe. Try and figure out what works for you – there’s no set system that’s best here, because we’re all different.

Adjust the sensitivity

If things aren’t working out for you, try changing the sensitivity settings so the microphone is picking up more or less sound. If you can’t get the ninja to move at all, you’re probably going to have to up the settings. If he leaps to his doom after a soft murmur, then it’s a good bet you need to slide that sensitivity bar down.

Don’t play on the bus

This really, really isn’t the sort of game you’re going to want to play when there are strangers around. Mainly because they’re going to think you’re mad, but also because there’s a good chance their noises are going to interfere with the game. Play it on your own, or get some friends around and have a good laugh together.

Enemies fall off edges too

If there’s a bad guy on the other side of a jump, just wait a second or so – there’s a good chance they’re going to walk directly into the gulf and you’re not going to have to worry about them. Remember you can adjust your flight by talking when you’re in midair as well – it’s a great way to bypass enemies below you.

Click here to read more strategy guides for the most popular mobile games in the world

from Gamezebo https://ift.tt/3sQb7Nw

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