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Dice Push Hints, Tips and Cheats – The Best Strategy Guide

https://ift.tt/2QCSgrC Dice Push is an interesting mix of genres. You’re rolling a dice to try and add troops to your side of a bar. The obj...


Dice Push is an interesting mix of genres. You’re rolling a dice to try and add troops to your side of a bar. The objective? Push the bar all the way to your opponent’s side of the screen. Of course, they’re trying to do the same thing, which makes things much more difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible. Especially if you know what you’re doing. And you’re definitely going to know what you’re doing when you’ve read this guide we’ve put together. It’s full of the very best hints, tips and tricks that we’ve discovered during our time playing Dice Push. 

Whether you’re new to the game or you’ve been playing for a while, there’s going to be something here that’ll take your play to the next level. So here are the top five best hints, tips and cheats for Dice Push.

Know where to throw

It’s important to know where you can throw your die. Throw it on your side of the barrier and the units you create will run forward and join in with the pushing. Throw it on your opponent’s side and they’ll run back and knock out some of the other player’s pushers. They’ll even join in pulling if they get to the bar unmolested. 

You can also use your dice to knock out enemy units, throwing it directly into a crowd of pushers to kill them. Another good trick is throwing your dice so it hits your opponent’s as it’s landing. You’ll smash their dice off the board and gain an important advantage. It’s hard to pull off though.

Upgrade whenever you can

Before you start a level you’ll see two icons – one that lets you increase the number of troops you start with, another that lets you increase their strength. It’s important to spend you gold here whenever you can. If you’re getting beaten and you don’t have the gold to spend, then watch the videos to toughen up.

Watch out for holes

It’s not just your die that’s going to fall through holes, your units can as well. If you roll a six behind a hole then you’ve just sent six units to their death and wasted an opportunity. Throw to the side of holes and you’ll negate them pretty much entirely.

Push your advantage

Don’t rest on your laurels or get defensive. When you’re winning, try and push the advantage by adding more and more troops to your pushing corps. It only takes a couple of lax rolls to fall behind again and you don’t want to give your opponent the chance to get back into the game. Focus on adding pushers until the bitter end.

Use the bonus pads

These can really change the trajectory of a game if you use them right. Some double up the number of units a roll creates, others make massive pushers who are super strong. It’s hard to nail your rolls directly into the pads, so try and use either the bar or the side of the level to bounce a roll into place.

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from Gamezebo https://ift.tt/3tzN0Ug

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