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Blade Forge 3D Guide – Make a Perfect Weapon Every Time With These Hints, Tips and Tricks

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Blade Forge 3D is a game about making swords. It’s not just about the aesthetic, though. You need to make a blade that...


Blade Forge 3D is a game about making swords. It’s not just about the aesthetic, though. You need to make a blade that’s as sharp as possible to defeat your opponents and win the biggest prizes.

There are a good few layers to the experience, and learning about them is going to help you forge the perfect weapon every time. And we’ve covered all of them in this handy guide. You’re welcome.

If you’ve got your own hints, tips and tricks to share then stick them in the comments section at the bottom of the article. Before we get there, though, here’s our guide to making the perfect sword in Blade Forge 3D.

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Finish Your Tasks

You’ll often see the next button popping up when you’re halfway through one of your forging tasks. Don’t tap it though – if you want to make your blade as sharp as possible you want to see everything through to the bitter end.

You’ll be surprised how an extra few points of sharpness can be the difference between victory and defeat, so make sure you’re getting as many as you possibly can by finishing all of your tasks.

Unlock The Tools

The more tools you have at your disposal, the sharper your finished blade is going to be. So, when you get the chance to watch a video to unlock a tool, make sure you take it.

All of the tools are pretty self explanatory and add a little more depth to the forging experience. Learn how to use them all perfectly and you’re going to be well on your way to victory.

Hit The Green

Even if your blade isn’t the most powerful, you can still win close challenges by making sure all of your slices are perfect. That means stopping the bar when it’s in the green every time.

The gauge fills up pretty fast, but its speed never changes. Once you’ve learned when to tap, repeat that every time and you’ll be landing perfect hits and winning games left right and center.

Increase Your Coins

The more coins you have, the more you can spend on new weapon molds. More expensive molds have better starting stats, so buying new ones is going to set you in good stead for victory before you’ve even started forging.

That means you should take every opportunity to earn more coins by watching videos. Whether it’s increasing your haul at the end of a level or taking on a challenging level that offers more rewards.

Download Blade Forge 3D from the App Store and Google Play Store

from Gamezebo https://ift.tt/3nVs9I2

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